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To join TVAES please fill in the form below . Membership is currently:- Single £18; joint £25 and payment will be processed online in the next screen.

Only members receive free lectures and priority notification of online lectures and special events.  However, if you don't want to join but would like to receive TVAES email updates which provide, on a monthly basis, lecture reminders, details of trips and special events as well as updates about other relevant local Egyptological activities (all these are available to both members and non-members) please click here instead.

In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) TVAES will only email addresses for which positive consent has been received, so please complete the form below to subscribe.

Privacy Note:

TVAES will store only the following information:

  • Name

  • Email Address (monthly emails, and joining instructions for specific activities)

  • Telephone Numbers (used only on exceptional circumstances such as cancellations or events booking, no marketing calls)

  • Postal Address (only required for Gift Aid and Trustees)

TVAES will never pass on your information to third parties.  TVAES restricts access to this information to a minimum number of executive committee members (trustees) on an 'as-needed' basis.  TVAES may temporarily access or physically transfer this information out of the UK if a trustee needs this information overseas (for example to send emails from Egypt or during an overseas study tour).  You may request to see the information that is held about you by TVAES and you may request that this information is removed from the TVAES database at any time by completing the unsubscribe option on this website or emailing







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